Thursday, September 19, 2019

accident :: essays research papers

Wild Ride   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Can you imagine being thrown from a car at 30mph? Well, I never thought I could until this happened to me in the summer of 1999. It was a gorgeous June afternoon, and summer had just begun. I had just gotten my license, and I couldn’t wait to go cruisin’ in my parents new yellow Ford Expedition. I had spent the day at my friends house, and now I was on my way home. I was almost home, I just had to turn onto the gravel road to get to my house. While I was turning, I was trying to put in a mix CD I had just made, and trying to turn the corner at the same time. I guess I was going a little too fast, because all of a sudden, I found myself lying in the ditch, outside of my truck. I had the bitter taste of blood in my mouth. I slowly got up on one leg and struggled up to the road. There was an old white pickup coming down the road and I waved it down. It was a farmer and he called an ambulance on his cell phone. While we were waiting for the ambulance I was hysterical. I couldn’t move or feel my left arm or leg. I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain in my broken limbs. The farmer did everything he could think of to calm me down a little bit. He asked me questions about family, school, and pretty much anything he could think of. I learned all about his wife, and his family; his grandkids, and even their grandkids. Eventually, after what seemed like three hours waiting for the ambulance, it finally got there. The paramedics rushed out, and loaded me into the wailing vehicle. The whole way to the hospital they asked me questions about my injuries and on what I remember about the incident. The pain was almost unbearable, so I told enough of what they wanted to hear, just so they’d shut up. They put my arm and leg in splints and finally gave me something for the pain. After about 15 minutes in the ambulance we got to the hospital and they hauled me into the X-ray room and took X-rays of my arm and leg. They found out that my forearm bone and the bone under the bicep was broken in my left arm and that I had broken my fibula in my left leg.

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