Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Article response about a movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Article response about a movie - Essay Example The star in the film was the robot that was an unknown and thus did not command star power. This was done to prevent the star from distracting the viewers from the original story. In the article been discussed, the author puts forward a theory that the film, Metropolis represents the US and German relationship. The author proposes that the film is both inspired by the movie and also aims to show the exploitation of the masses at the hands of American film culture. The movie’s two father figures are represented likened to Germany and America. One representing the genius who made all technological advancement possible but he set back by his traditional views. The other is one that holds a superior position for his way of commanding and accepting the technology at his disposal. The article discusses how the film is inspired by American films created during the same era. It depends on technology and high budget much like that of American contemporary films of that era. However, one recurrent element in American films was also star power and sexuality. Here the film challenges these notions of American films but casting a robot in the role of the star. This is meant to prevent the star from distracting from the plot of the movie. Also the movie brings down love to mere sexuality by casting the female in the role of a robot. The robot is programmed to follow the commands of the master. 20. Most Interesting Passage (single quotation of 100-300 words, plus page citation—or series of up to three shorter quotations, same aggregate word-count, plus page citation) plus a brief comment as to why this passage(s) is interesting to you: ‘The star is its mechanism of identficiation, its means of consoling the masses, of feeding the appetite for consolation and its own appetitie for industrial efficiency and profit. Thus the American entertainment industry’s most insidious and dangerous application of technology is captured in an

Monday, October 28, 2019

Heredity, the Environment and Development Essay Example for Free

Heredity, the Environment and Development Essay The study of genetics has grown out of a desire to understand how exactly the individual comes to be just that, an individual different from its peers. In order to comprehend the scope of possible outcomes and how they came to be behavioral genetics looks at a number of variables; these include the impact of our genes (nature), and our environment (nurture). A countless number of hypotheses were put to the test through research to analyze the degree of influence of each. In this paper, team A will discuss the methods of behavioral genetics, the various research techniques used, their testing populations and why used, along with proposed answers and explanations. Behavioral GeneticsBehavioral geneticists uses family, twin and adoption studies as a basis for their argument of individual differences (Lerner, Bearer, Garcia, Coll, 2004). A significant contributor to studies in behavioral genetics, provides this definition: Behavioral genetics is the genetic study of behavior, which includes quantitative genetics (twin and adoption studies) as well as molecular genetics (DNA studies) of human and animal behavior broadly defined to include responses of the organism from responses measured in the brain such as functional neuro-imaging to self-report questionnaires (Plomin,2004). Read more:  Influences that affect childrens development essay One of the first twin studies was conducted by Bouchard in 1979 when he found a set of monozygotic twins, babies from a fertilized egg that splits into two. The babies were separated at a few weeks old. The babies had many physiological and psychological similarities. Since Bouchards initial study it has been proven that, while monozygotic twins raised together have many similarities, those separated at an early age have an even greater likeness. Since twins being raised together are more likely to highlight their differences in order to maintain some element of independence, behavioral geneticists argue that this indicates a strong genetic underpinning in human development (Plomin, 2004). Research conducted by Grilo and Pogue-Geile (1991) correlated the familial relationships with extroversion. The study included monozygotic twins reared together and apart, dizygote twins reared together and apart, biological parents and children, biological siblings, adoptive parents and children and  unrelated siblings reared together. The results reflected that the highest correlation was between monozygotic twins raised together and apart. The lowest correlation was between unrelated siblings raised together. For behavioral geneticists, these results conclude that genetics are at work in determining the extroversion of a person. Behavioral geneticists suggest reasonable doubt in assuming connections between psychological environments and developmental results may be genetically arbitrated and that the environment a person is in responds to the genetically influenced characteristics (Plomin, 2004). The genetic association between parent and child is useful to examine. For example, †¦differences in parenting can be the genetic effect rather than the environmental cause of childrens psychopathology (Plomin, 2004, p. 345). The results of the twin, adoption and family studies support these assumptions. The Correlation of Heredity and EnvironmentThe nature versus nurture controversy exists because some people believe that a persons genetics has the greatest impact on their personality, intelligence and behavior. On the flipside, some people believe that the environment has more of an impact. Behavior geneticists assume that behavior is influenced by the relations of heredity and environment. With the help of twin studies, and adoption studies researchers are working on understanding what molds a person into the individual he or she is today. Twin studies, using identical twins, are conducted to understand how biology influences traits and psychopathology in humans whose genotypes are the same (Haimowitz, n.d.).Twin studies also use fraternal twins who share half of the genes they acquire at conception which helps to compare the degrees of genetic influence such as intelligence and personality. Adoption studies take a look to see if adoptive children exhibit the behavioral and psychological traits of their adoptive parents, or those of their biological parents (Haimowitz). Any links to biological parents can be attributed to genetics, and any connection to adoptive parents can be  attributed to environment. Heredity-Environment correlations can be shown in three ways. One is the passive genotype-environment correlations. Passive genotype-environment correlation exists when a childs biological parents are raising him or her (MacDonald, n.d.). An example of this situation could be Anas parents having the genetic predisposition to be intelligent and read skillfully leading one to believe that Ana will more than likely share these skills. Evocative Genotype-Environment Correlation occurs when a childs genotype provokes a specific type of physical or social environment (MacDonald, n.d.). An example of this type of correlation: Andrew is artistic, and outgoing, he will elicit encouragement to try out for plays. Sheena is very athletic and competitive; she will be encouraged to go out for sports. Active genotype-Environment Correlations emerge when a child seeks out environments he or she will find compatible and stimulating (MacDonald, n.d.). An example could be that a child like Matilda, who has a gift of music, will seek a musical environment where she can expand on her talent. Scientist researching how genetics influences academic achievements show three ways heredity and environment could possibly be correlated. The three ways in which Meredith Phillips and a team of colleagues found genetics and environment to be correlated are passive correlation, active correlation, and reactive correlation. Passive correlation: genes influence both a childs environment and heredity (Phillips, Brooks-Gunn, Crane, Duncan, Klebanov, n.d.,  ¶ 3). Active correlation: genes influence the environments that a child seeks out (Phillips et al.,  ¶ 3). Reactive correlation: environments react differently to people with different genetic profiles (Phillips et al.,  ¶ 3). In passive correlation if a parent is the type of person whom enjoys reading, the love for reading could be transferred to the child from the parent reading to the child frequently. The child will already have the genetics from the parents. My son enjoys music I would like to think he received that from me because of my interest in music. He hears a great deal of music when at home therefore, the music rich environment my son is placed in has an influence on his musical achievements. Combined with the genetic aspect of my love for music and his fathers love for music the affect of his music rich environment causes a stronger influential desire to be involved in music. In active correlation, the child has genetic influences from the parent reading to him or her. When the child voices the desires for the parent to read to him or her, the parent enjoying the reading ultimately influences the child by reading to the child. The child requesting stories to be read is the incentive the parent has to continue the process along with the parents love for reading. Reactive correlation was described as genetics affecting the childs physical features with the childs features being judged by peers. The views of the childs peers are voiced and in the process the childs academic achievements are effected. The childs environment can put him or her under a certain labels. In this situation genetics affects the views of the childs peers and the environment combined with genetics can have a negative affect on the childs academics. Definition of Shared and Non-shared Environmental ExperiencesBeyond genetics, each individual has a unique personality that is based on a blending of their shared and non-shared experiences in life. Shared environmental experiences are those which the majority of the world encounters. Shared experiences can occur differently by culture, but generally adhere to a specific social clock or a set of age norms that defines a sequence of normal life experiences (Boyd Bee, p. 10). For American culture think of the traditions of school, watching a baseball game, having a BBQ, getting married, having children, working and retiring as relative shared norms that all, or most of us, encounter. Of course, non-shared experiences are different for each of us; these are categorized as individual experiences. Individual or non-shared experiences  can be influenced by race, socioeconomic status, and other social factors (Boyd Bee, 2006, p. 36). These individual differences can also be related to school, relationships, marriage and childbirth and the unique perspective that each person has. Each individual thinks much differently and so the way that they perceive and interact in the world will make their experiences, shared and non-shared, unique to them. Role Played by Shared and Non-shared Environmental Experiences DevelopmentThe importance that shared and non-shared experiences have in development is that they help shape our personal development as well as our social development. If in fact, each person encounters shared experiences in accordance with the norm expected, they are more likely to fit in culturally and have a higher understanding of appropriate and healthy relationships. Likewise, with non-shared experiences if interactions each person has with their parents and peers, and in his or her independent life, is healthy they will know themselves internally and process environmental factors that occur around them in a healthy manner. If the shared and non shared experiences of an individual do not go according to the norms of society it will be more difficult for them to develop into healthy adults who function both independently and interdependently at appropriate levels. (Boyd Bee, 2006, p. 36) In conclusion, behavioral geneticists have used a wide array of approaches to their research in developmental theories. Through the use of identical twins a great deal of information has been acquired on the basis of both genetics and environment. The strongest proponent of this argument was shown to be the case of identical twins separated at birth exhibiting very similar characteristics even though they had not been raised in the same environment. Corresponding research which also strengthens this argument shows that adoptive children exhibit very few of the characteristics of their adoptive parents. It seems safe to say that genetics lay the foundation of behavior with environment and individual experience capable of exhibiting some influence beyond that. References Boyd, D., Bee, H. (2006). Lifespan Development. Retrieved from http://ecampus.phoenix.eduGrilo, C. M., Pogrue-Geile, M. F. (1991). The Nature of Environmental Influences on Weight and Obesity: A Behavior Genetic  Analysis [White paper]. Retrieved from National Institute of Health: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.govHaimowitz, A. G. (n.d.). Heredity versus Environment: Twin, Adoption, and Family. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from, R. M., Bearer, E. L., Garcia, , Coll, C. G. (2004). Nature and Nurture: the Complex Intereplay if Genetic and Environmental Influences on Human Behavior and Development. . Retrieved from, K. (n.d.). PSYCHOLOGY 361: BEHAVIOR GENETICS. Retrieved April 21, 2009 , from, M., Brooks-Gunn, J., Crane, J., Duncan, G. J., Klebanov, P. (n.d.). How Might Genetic Influences on Academic Achievement Masquerade as Environmental Influences?. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from, R. (2004). Genetic and Developmental Psychology. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 50(3), 341-352. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Review of University Days by James Thurber Essay examples -- James

In the essay, â€Å"University Days† James Thurber does a sensational job keeping the reader’s interest throughout the entire story. He explains his college experiences in a way that makes the reader both interested and amused at the same time. Thurber portrays the message that the all-star football player was not the brightest bulb on the tree, which is humorous because many people can relate to that because it’s the same at their school. The author uses a creative writing style to try and capture his audience’s attention throughout the entire essay. He uses descriptive wording, humor, and stories that relate to the reader to accomplish his goal of telling his college stories in an exciting and memorable way. The descriptive wording used in this essay contributes to the enjoyment of the story. Many authors just tell stories without going in-depth and it makes the reader’s mind wander. That’s why Thurber’s style is so effective; he explains every situation very clearly and also backs them up with examples. He recalled the story about his classmate, Bolenciecwcz who was seen as the star of the football team. He was reminiscing on a time in particular that their teacher asked the football player what form of transportation he took to get to school. Bolenciecwcz had a tough time comprehending the question and was beginning to feel some pressure from his classmates to answer the question correctly. He was having so much trouble searching for an answer that the author described the situation by saying, â€Å"At this time, Bolenciecwcz was staring at the floor, trying to think, his great brow furrowed, his huge hands rubbing together, his face red.†(346) His classmates burst out into laughter at this point; in order to help the speechless... ...rd work really does pay off. This is an example that if a person fails the first try, rather than quitting, they should work even harder to accomplish the task. All of these examples were extremely influential on Thurber’s life and changed him into a more responsible person. The author’s unique writing style which includes; descriptive wording, humorous quotes, and stories that relate to the reader contribute to making the essay very easy to follow along with and it also helps enhance the excitement of the story. Thurber’s style allows him to express his thoughts in a way that makes the reader laugh and want to continue reading on. This is a sensational short story that I recommend to anyone looking to read a well-written essay or even anyone just trying to get a laugh. It’s a quick and easy read, and his creative writing styles make the story well worth it!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Organisational Devlopment: Levels of Diagnosis Essay

It is pointless conducting diagnosis at the individual level, because most issues can be addressed at the organization and group level. Discuss. Within modern business practices continual evolution is essential for long term organisational outcomes. With economic pressures, a growing demand for perceptibly social and environmental responsibility and an increasingly focus towards international and worldwide trade, modern organizations are confronted with an almost constant need for change (Waddell, Cummings and Worley, 2007). Thus it is important for leaders to have a sound understanding of change issues and theories (Waddell, 2002). Organisational development (OD) is described as a systematic application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and reinforcement of organizational structures, processes and strategies for improving organisational effectiveness (Waddell et al. , 2007). Diagnosis it an integral part of successful OD implementation and is performed on one or more levels including ‘individual’, ‘group’ and ‘organisational’ diagnosis. Thus for successful long term outcomes it is necessary to investigate the role of diagnosis within successful OD implementation, with a focus on ‘individual’ level diagnosis in contrast to both ‘group’ and ‘organisational’. Diagnosis within organisation development is described as an intervention that develops information about the various subsystems of an organisation as well as the patterns and processes that take part in an organisation (Beckhard, 1969). Similarly, Waddell et al. 2007) depict diagnosis as the process of understanding how the organisation is currently functioning, in order to successfully develop change intervention. Thus within modern firms this process develops insight for both the client and OD coordinator into the functioning and efficiency on individual, group and organisational levels. Aldefer and Brown (1975) suggest that the process of diagnosis also serves to motivate organisational members to engage in change. Nadler (1977) reinforces this, depicting that diagnosis provides employees or members with a direction for change. As such, diagnosis within OD has been described as the ‘key’ in developing successful interventions (Burton & Obel, 2004). As well the diagnostic process is referred to as collaborative between OD consultant and client (Stacey, 2007), in which the two parties work together to develop action plans for effective change process. Waddell et al. (2007) reinforces this suggesting that the values and ethics that underlie OD suggest that both change agents and organisational members should be involved in developing and implementing appropriate interventions. Organisations, when viewed as open systems can be diagnosed as three levels, including organisation, group and individual (Waddell et al. , (2007). The highest level is the organisational level and includes the design of the organisations structure, strategy and processes. The next level consists of groups or departments within the organisational structure, including group design and interaction devices. The lowest level of organisational diagnosis is the individual level, including job design and personnel characteristics. Todnem (2005) suggest organisational diagnosis can occur at all three levels or it may be limited to problems that occur at a single level. For example, if there was a problem with output resulting from a single job design there would be only need for individual level diagnosis. Similarly Coghlan (1994) illustrates that the key to effective diagnosis is to know what to look for at each level, as well as how the levels affect each other. Waddel et al. (2007) depict the organisational level of diagnosis as the broadest systems perspective that is typically taken in diagnostic activities. This level focuses on the organisation against inputs such as the general environment and industry structure to achieve outputs such as performance, efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction through strategy and organisational design. Todnem (2005) suggests that design components within this level can also include HRM, culture and technology. Similarly the general environment can include a vast amount of extraneous variables including social, technological, economical, ecological and political (Stahl, 1997). Thus this level provides a broad basis for diagnosis within the largest environment. As such this level of diagnosis is most crucial when designing or redesigning action plans focused around the organisation as a whole. These strategies may include organisational goals and objectives, mission or organisational policies. (Waddell et al. (2007). Modern organizations are developing action plans in order to change practices to incorporate environmental and social responsibility. These plans and interventions designed at achieving change include organisational wide strategies, such as redesigning business infrastructure as well as changing major mission values/goals and policies within those companies. An example of integrating effective organisatinoal diagnosis is RIO TINTO’s continual development and change towards more sustainable, environmentally responsible mining processes in order for long term outcomes (RIO TINTO, 2010). Through external forces or inputs they developed and integrated various interventions to remodel major sectors within the firm completely. Thus developing and maintaining successful strategic design requires effective organisational diagnosis. The next level of diagnosis is group, and can apply to both larger operating division of firms such as BHP Billiton, or to smaller departments within organisations (Waddell et al. , 2007). Coghlan (1994) depicts that division or larger groups within such multinational firms generally follow the same dimension and relational fits applicable to organisational level development. Inversely Waddell et al. (2007) suggest that small departments and groups behave differently from larger divisions or organisations and thus require a suitable diagnostic model to reflect those dimensions. As such, group level diagnosis consists of organisational design as an input, resulting in outputs of team effectiveness through design components such as task structure, group functioning, performance norms, group composition and goal clarity. Stahl (1997) describes group diagnosis as relative to a small number of people working face to face on a shared task or program. Laser (1995) suggests supportive organisational design is crucial for effective groups to operate. Harrison and Shirom (1999) reinforce this depicting that group structure and components are highly interrelated to organisational wide strategy and design. Goal clarity is a major design component within group level diagnosis, and refers to how well the group understands its objectives. Waddell et al. (2007) suggest that goals should be understood by all members, moderately challenging, measurable, and monitored and, have structure for providing feedback of achievement. An example may include group targets for sales teams. Stahl (1997) illustrates that goal clarity is of crucial importance to successful group outcomes. Coghlan (1994) reinforces this depicting that clear goals provide motivation and direction to group dynamics. Group level diagnosis is considered a more specific approach to an internalized problem than organisational diagnosis and can include problem solving groups built for a specific function (Stahl, 1997). However organisational and group levels remain highly interrelated through organisational design. The lowest level of diagnosis is the individual job or position. Waddel et al. (2007) suggest that organisations are made up of numerous groups and in turn, those groups are composed of several positions. Callan (1993) depicts individual diagnosis as highly specified and dynamic. Similarily Stahl (1997) described the individual level diagnosis as having a minimal effect on the organization as a whole. As the individual level focuses on a single job design it requires a new model of job-level diagnosis (Waddell et al. , 2007). The inputs within this level are organisational design, group design and personnel characteristics, and the resulting outputs aimed at achieving are individual effectiveness, through performance, job satisfaction and individual development. The design components utilized to transform the inputs within this model are skill variety, task identity, autonomy, task significance and feedback about results. Coghlan (1994) suggests that effective feedback mechanisms are crucial to continual intervention and employee development. Feedback refers to the degree to which employees are provided with clear information about performance and effectives of their activities (Waddell et al. , 2007). Such mechanisms could include both formal and informal methods such as casual on the spot feedback or yearly performance appraisals. Conversely Callan (1993) depicts task significance as a major influence on outcomes within the individual level, suggesting that the level to which the employee’s job impacts on other people’s lives has a powerful affect on resulted outcomes. Individual level changes and restructuring can result in higher outcomes of individual’s position through higher individual interest and personnel investment in their jobs (Waddell et al. , 2007). As well higher productivity on an individual level transfers to more successful organisational outcomes, and thus benefits both the workers and the firm. The importance of diagnosis on an individual level can be relatively debatable dependent on organisational type, infrastructure and individual job function (Mclean, 2005). Individual level diagnosis relies on organisational design, group design and personal characteristics for transference into outputs (Waddle et al. 2007). Thus this job level is highly interrelated and dependent on the effectiveness of the design components of both organisational and group level. Hence, effective intervention development within the first two levels of diagnosis would result in a large proportion of successful outputs on an individual level (Harrison and Shirom, 1999). Conversely personal characteristics can include dynamic and uncontrollable extraneous variables which may result in a varied output on the job level. (Burton & Obel, 2004). Thus in order to limit a varied result within output it may be necessary to conduct individual diagnosis of job design relevant to the specific problem or concern. As well Mclean (2005) emphasizes the importance of employee satisfaction in relation to staff turnover in order for long term development and organisational outcomes. Waddel et al. (2007) reinforce this depicting a ‘two sided’ relationship between employee satisfaction and interest and the consequential favorable outcomes for the firm. Cobb (1986) illustrates that redesigning individual level jobs can be crucial for successful outcomes within specified problems. As well Beer and Spector (1993) suggest that the success of OD interventions rely heavily on the accuracy of diagnosis within organisations. Thus for a higher probability of favorable outcomes for developed interventions it is necessary to conduct diagnosis over all three levels. Organisational development is a critical process for both short and long term outcomes within modern business practice. With growing economic, social and environmental pressure, there is a greater need for organisational change than ever before. Successful OD is heavily reliant on the effectiveness of diagnosis within an organisation in order to develop appropriate interventions to develop change within the firm. All three levels of diagnosis within OD are important to developing effective mechanisms for change. Organisational diagnosis is more responsive to external influences and direct pressure for both social and environmental concerns. However both group and individual levels are highly interrelated with the success of change interventions and in particular the development of productivity and efficiency to provide support against the economic strain. Individual level diagnosis is highly interrelated within the other levels and as such may not be necessary within some OD applications.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparing and Contrast the Chemical Disasters at Bhopal

In today’s modern society, as many countries have been developing very fast, the technologies are reaching high standards of level, for example, the high qualities weed killers and the liquid cleaner. However, as the big invention occurring, the more and more mistakes will be going on, because some technologies, such as weed killer and liquid cleaners are chemicals. With no doubt, chemicals are really harmful for human beings. As people all know that, toxic chemicals are used in the industries, which have to be safely covered and provide very serious use instruction, such as wearing long gloves, safety shoes or masks.However, even the chemicals are under several instructions, but people may have made some serious mistakes which caused a huge damage and large amount of death to people. In this essay, I am going to write about the two disasters that caused a lot of injures by the explosion of poisonous chemicals, which located in India and Italy. According to Shrivastava (1996), on the night of 2/3 December 1984, an enormous accident happened in Bhopal, India, the highly poisonous and unbalanced chemical gas was escaped from the factory and continue to spread over the city which caused by the lack of the attention and care ness.Apart from that, Marchi and Funtowicz and Ravetz (1996) states that in the 10 July 1976, a powerful weed killer which named 245T was exploded in a small town which located near Milan, the 245T contained the most powerful and toxic chemicals, it can kill any live stocks and human very easily, the accident was caused by man made unmanaged instructions and the toxic dioxin was spilled to the atmosphere. Between these two accidents, they were all caused by people not nature. Unlikely, these two took places in different period and locations. Luke (1984) believed that the Bhopal accident was caused by the ignorance of experts.This factory was built in a crowded population environment, and because they against the rule of US safety standar d, too much amount of MIC was contained in the store and due to the huge quantity of it, the tank was not strong enough to hold the chemical, as the safety manual required at o degree, the safety system was broken down and water leaking in to it and set off the reaction. The chemicals were released into the air. Bhopal and Seveso were similar in that, according to Marchi & Funtowicz & Ravetz (1996) because of the unmanaged instructions and the ignorance, the disasters had a substantial damage and effect.According to Gail (2003), the Indian Government made a great effort in trying to manipulate the situation, yet all their attempts failed to provide the sufficient supply of medical services and food supply. There was not enough place for all the injured people to get medical treatment. That is because of the large number of injuries and the lack of doctors and medicine. Added to this, doctors at Bhopal had no idea of what kind of affection they were dealing with. Unfortunately, most people arrived at the hospital when it was too late, others died while waiting for their tern to see a doctor.Similar to Bhopal, Seveso suffered from lack of immediate responses and from ignorance of what exactly happened and what gases were released. Late decisions of evacuation and other responses were made, after the government first move of realizing and defining the accident and its possible consequences. B. De Marchi, S. Funtowicz, and J. Ravetz (1996), believe that Seveso had a better response than Bhopal, when a comparison between the two disasters were made. The Italian Government had more ability to absorb the affects in a shorter period of time.Unlike Bhopal, the process of recovery was reasonably good, due to the smaller affects, less damage and the high financial capability. There were compensations to victims, redeployment to people lost their jobs and there was some control on health long-term effects by monitoring them through a practical planned program. The main di fference between the effects of the accidents at Bhopal and Seveso is that many people died at Bhopal, whereas there was no any death cases reported in any article at Seveso. Death is considered a short-term effect. David (2002) believes they were roughly 7000 death cases at Bhopal.Baines (1993) mentioned other short-term effects at Bhopal such as difficulty and eye irritation. Similar symptoms appeared on Seveso survivors. Added to this, Shrivastava (1996) points out that people exposed to the released gas had some other short-effects such as cough, vomiting and chest pains. Long-term effects at Bhopal mainly were eye-sight weakness and high possibility of getting different kinds of Cancer. No long-term effects are in detail in â€Å"The long road to recovery†, (B. De Marchi, S. Funtowicz, and J. Ravetz 1996), neither in â€Å"Environmental Disasters†, (Baines 1993).These disasters had involved so many people, some were dead, and some were seriously injured . Also, so me people may have a great risk of getting the negative effect in their rest of lives. Due to these happened , there must be someone stand up and taking the responsibility for the huge damages and waste . In the disaster of Bhopal , the company which involved in was union Carbide , this company in USA was decreased their value of stocks by this failure. Furthermore, the Union Carbide in India has to accept to pay the funding for the patients and for the damages.Even though, the American company against to accept the legal responsibility which done by themselves. But, the local government and a lot of lawyers have sued the company, and they won the beat, so they got the funding for the injured families and hospitals. (â€Å"Bhopal India† DIS Covering Science). In contrast, according to â€Å"The long road to recovery†, by B. De Marchi, S. Funtowicz, and J. Ravetz (1996), the company of the Seveso had paid for the hospitals and government and any hurt, and they will be m ore concern about how to do the securities very carefully and reasonable.To avoiding these things happen again, every people and individuals have done something to prevent these kinds of disasters. First of all, according to the articles, local government had legislate some issues for caring the chemicals and warning people who were working with the chemicals must pay a lot of attentions on it. Also, the companies which producing the chemicals have to be located far from the high proportions of people in the neighborhoods and providing the knowledge for hospitals about how to cure the chemical disease.In conclusion, every one and society have to do something to avoid the disaster happen, because no one wants to die or wants to see other people dead. So, from these two disasters, People have studied how to prevent the disaster happen, and not just blame some one to take responsibility after the disasters. Even though these two serious events had happened years ago, it still named the one of the worst industrial disaster in the world, because many innocent people were died for it, and too many people had to injure the painful during their rest of lives. Essay Foundation 001Academic writing Comparing and contrast the chemical disasters at Bhopal in India and Seveso in Italy Student full name: Li Fei Lu (Lulu) Teacher: Chris Beard Essay length: 1190 words Reference A chronology of events at Seveso and Seveso adapted from B. De Marchi, S. Funtowicz, and J. Ravertz (1996) Seveso: A paradoxical classic in The long road discovery: Community responses to industrial disaster Edited by James K. Mitchell: United nations University Press. â€Å"Bhopal, India. † DISCovering Science. Online Edition. Gale, 2003. Reproduced in student Resource Center.Detroit: Gale, 2004. http://galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/SRC downloaded 26 November 2004 Cancer fears haunt survivors of Italian chemical disaster (1997) Cancer Weekly Plus Retrieved January 23, 2005, from the Expanded A cademic Database David, L (2002) Night of the Gas New Internationalist p34 (2) p9 Retrieved January 23, 2005, from the Expanded Academic Database Shrivastava, P (1996) Long-term recovery from the Bhopal crisis in The long road to recovery: Community responses to industrial disaster Edited by James K. Mitchell: United Nations University Press (adapted)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of the Wealthy Painter Peter Paul Rubens

Biography of the Wealthy Painter Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter, best known for his extravagant European style of painting. He managed to synthesize a number of factors, from the masters of the Renaissance and the early Baroque. He led a charmed life. He was attractive, well-educated, a born courtier and, by dint of talent, had a virtual lock on the portrait market in northern Europe. He was knighted, feted, grew fabulously wealthy from commissions and died before he outlived his talent. Early Life Rubens was born on June 28, 1577, in Siegen, a German province of Westphalia, where his Protestant-leaning lawyer father had relocated the family during the Counter-Reformation. Noting the boys lively intelligence, his father personally saw that young Peter received a classical education. Rubens mother, who may not have shared an affinity for the Reformation, moved her family back to Antwerp (where she owned a modest property) in 1567 after her husbands untimely death. At the age of 13, at a time when the familys remaining resources went to provide his elder sister with a marriage dowry, Rubens was sent to be a page in the home of the Countess of Lalaing. The polished manners he picked up there served him well in the years ahead, but after some (unhappy) months he got his mother to apprentice him to a painter. By 1598, he had joined the painters guild. His Art From 1600 to 1608, Rubens lived in Italy, at the service of the Duke of Mantua. During this time he carefully studied the works of the Renaissance masters. Upon his return to Antwerp, he became the court painter to the Spanish governors of Flanders and subsequently to Charles I of England (who, in fact, knighted Rubens for diplomatic work) and Marie de Medici, Queen of France. The more well-known works he turned out during the next 30 years included The Elevation of the Cross (1610), The Lion Hunt (1617-18), and Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus (1617). His court portraits were in great demand, as he frequently placed their subjects in juxtaposition with gods and goddesses of mythology to better acknowledge the lofty positions of nobility and royalty. He painted religious and hunting themes, as well as landscapes, but is best known for his oft-unclothed figures who seemed to swirl in movement. He loved portraying girls with meat on their bones, and middle-aged women everywhere thank him to this day. Rubens famously said,  My talent is such that no undertaking, however vast in size...has ever surpassed my courage. Rubens, who had more requests for work than time, grew wealthy, amassed a collection of art and owned a mansion in Antwerp and a country estate. In 1630, he married his second wife (the first had died some years before), a 16-year-old girl. They spent a happy decade together before gout brought on heart failure and ended Rubens life on May 30, 1640, in the Spanish Netherlands (modern Belgium). The Flemish Baroque carried on with his successors, most of whom (particularly Anthony van Dyke) he had trained. Important Works The Massacre of the Innocents, 1611The Hippopotamus Hunt, 1616The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, 1617Diana and Callisto, 1628The Judgment of Paris, 1639Self Portrait, 1639

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Fossil Fuels Affect The Environment Research Paper Example

How Fossil Fuels Affect The Environment Research Paper Example How Fossil Fuels Affect The Environment Paper How Fossil Fuels Affect The Environment Paper Essay Topic: Renewable energy Describe and explain how the use of Fossil fuels may affect the environment and discuss measures, which could be taken to reduce the harmful consequences Fossil fuels include gasoline, oil, coal, or natural gas. Whenever we burn them, more pollutant gases are emitted into the atmosphere. They are burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and business and power factories and are responsible for about 98% of U. S carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Because of the harmful effects of these pollutant gases, produced when fossil fuels are burnt, they pose a major threat to the environment. Almost all air pollutants are the result Of fossil fuel combustion, either in the home, by industries or the internal combustion engine. Smoke is tiny particles of carbon suspended in the air, produced as a result of burning coal and oil. While smoke remains in the air, it can reduce the light intensity at ground level; hence reduce the overall rate of photosynthesis. Deposits of smoke, or more particularly, soot and ash, may coat plant leaves directly reducing photosynthesis by preventing light penetration or even by clogging stomata openings. The pollutants involved in acid rain are sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, zone and various volatile organic vapors given off from gasoline stations. Fossil fuels contain between 1% and 4% sulfur and consequently around 30 million tones of sulfur dioxide is emitted from the chimneys of Europe each year. Its effect in high concentrations, are harmful to plants in that it reduces growth, especially in barley, wheat and lettuce and others such as lichens may be killed. Sulfur dioxide (ASS) dissolves in water forming sulfurous acid (HASPS). This is then converted to sulfur trioxide (ASS) then to sulfuric acid (HASPS). Acid rain is harmful since it causes acidification of the soil. Changes in soil pH change the solubility of the ions present, in acid soil; essential minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium and trace elements start to be lost by leaching. In very acid soil (pH below 4. 5) aluminum ions may appear in the soil at very poisonous concentrations. Aluminum ions may also be leached into lakes and rivers and kill fish and other marine life. Since the industrial revolution, CO gases emitted into the atmosphere have increased by 27%. The pre- industrial concentration was in 1 860 was pump where as the present concentration is estimated at 368 pump. Methane, another greenhouse gas has more than doubled. The main cause Of the increased CO level is due to the combustion of coal and oil. For every tone of carbon burnt, 4 tones of CO are liberated Scientist argue that this extra CO in the air, trap heat and produce a greenhouse effect, causing expansion of the ocean, melting of the polar icecaps with a consequent rise in sea levels. This would in turn cause flooding of low- lying land. The greenhouse effect is not entirely bad, since it maintains the average of the earths surface at 1 5?SQ rather than 18?CO, in the absence of greenhouse gases. CO is transparent o short wave radiation from the sun, but strongly absorbs the long wave radiation that the earth irradiates into space. Global warming is responsible for an increase in 0. 5 1. 0 ?CO of average world temperature, since the late 19th century. If emissions of CO gases are not reduced significantly, the average global temperature is expected to rise by 1. 58 ?CO in the next century. Not only will this increase directly damage plant life, but evaporation will increase as the climate warms, which will increase average global precipitation. Soil moisture is likely to decline in many regions and intense mainstream are likely to be more frequent. These are all serious repercussions of global warming. The relatively inert oxide Of nitrogen, denigrating oxide, is formed during fossil fuel combustion. In the stratos phere, in the presence of u. V. Radiation, denigrating oxide is no longer inert. It reacts with atomic oxygen to form two molecules of nitrogen monoxide radicals (NO?s). These then react with ozone molecules, converting them to molecular oxygen and reforming nitrogen monoxide radicals. Radicals speed up the destruction of ozone because they constantly re-emerge to trigger another reaction. The destruction of the ozone layer results in a significant increase in u. V. Radiation reaching the earths surface. Ultra violet radiation is absorbed by the Purina and pyridine bases in DNA and modifies tem, with consequences affecting the expression of genetic information. In humans this results in a higher incidence of skin cancer. In higher plants grown as crops the effect of increased exposure to u. V radiation is to reduce yields. Aquatic organisms including fish larvae and plankton are very sensitive to u. V light. Disruption in the ecological balance in the ocean may not only affect marine food chains, UT the contribution of the ocean to the absorption of carbon dioxide. In order to reduce the effects of fossil fuel combustion, the primary measure that should be employed is to find alternative energy sources. Renewable energy comes from the exploitation of wave power, wind power, tidal power, solar energy, hydroelectric power and biological sources including biomass (wood charcoal, crop residues, dung and other organic materials). Many of these forms of renewable energy have a low environmental impact hence may be relatively environmentally friendly. Biological fuels, for instance can e used to supply humans growing energy needs. The Gasohol programmer in Brazil, where sugar cane wastes are used to produce a motor vehicle fuel, is such an example. This will reduce the effects of fossil fuel combustion emissions. International efforts can be established to control carbon dioxide emissions as well as implement usage of alternative sources of energy, instead of depleting the worlds fossil fuel reserves, which is expected only to last another 500 years. Governments can also educate the public on the dangers of energy inefficiency. They might choose to promote more efficient use of energy in moms and businesses, including electrical energy since burning fossil fuels generates most of the electricity. They can set energy efficient standards for domestic appliances. They could also change building regulations to ensure that new houses, offices and public buildings are more energy efficient, for instance in cold climates, measures can be taken to reduce heat loss to surroundings like double glazing windows. They may also increase duties on petrol and diesel fuel, to try to reduce their consumption. Schemes may be considered to convert the industries CO emissions into liquids or solids. One present concept for capturing CO from Waste gases involves MEA (Indetermination). Other techniques include physical absorption, chemical reactions to methanol, polymers and co-polymers aromatic carboxylic acids or urea. Individuals can also conserve energy within the home. Re- using materials, like plastic bags are one such way. Recycling newspapers, glass bottles and plastic bottles can also be done in the homes and business. Other simple measures can be employed within the home like buying energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for the most used lights in the home. Whenever Seibel individuals should bike, walk, carpool, or use public transport to get to their destination. They can also buy minimally packaged goods, choose re- useable products instead of disposable ones. If they live in hot climates, the house should be painted a light color. Fossil fuels provide 90% of the energy we use now, but at a price of urban air pollution, acid rain, potential global warming and ozone layer depletion. As we burn fossil fuels and continue to use gasoline dependent transport, we increase the level of CO in the earths atmosphere and continue to harm the environment.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

6 Signs You Didnt Get the Job

6 Signs You Didnt Get the Job Your resume and cover letter were pitch perfect. Your interview outfit was flattering and made you feel like a million bucks. You hit it off with your interviewer, sailed through all the tough questions, and had a great handshake on your way out the door. Now you’re sitting at home sweating bullets wondering why you haven’t gotten the call. Even if you’re the perfect candidate and everything goes this smoothly and more, it’s possible that- for reasons that might not have anything to do with you- you still won’t get the job.Save yourself a lot of agonizing disappointment by keeping an eye out for these six signs instead:1. You were downgradedYou were supposed to meet with three members of the team, but when you showed up, only one measly HR rep was there to meet you. This could mean they’ve all but finished up their search and your interview is now a mere formality. It’s not a good sign either way.2. Your time was shortchangedYour inter view is over minutes after it begun. You were just easing up and getting comfortable explaining your many virtues! And all of a sudden- â€Å"That’s all, thank you.† This is pretty much a death knell, unless the building happens to be on fire.3. Your interviewer is distractedYou’re rocking it, but your interviewer doesn’t seem to care- or even notice. Maybe they’re checking their phone, or looking out the window, checking their email thinking you won’t notice. If they’re not just as invested in impressing you as you are in impressing them, this will probably end up like a bad first date; you’ll never hear from them again.4. It’s clear you’re unqualifiedYour interviewer keeps asking about a skill you’ve admitted you don’t have. They keep emphasizing just how important that skill is to the team. Translation: â€Å"Don’t call us, we’ll call you.† At least you’ll know why you didn’t get the job.5.  There’s no mention of a follow-up planYou had a great time and really felt like you nailed it- or not!- but your interviewer just says â€Å"Thank you† or â€Å"We’ll be in touch.† If no next steps are mentioned, and no timeline is given, that’s a pretty good sign you’ve reached the end of the line with this one.6. You’re given sage adviceIf your interviewer gives you advice on job searching, they’re probably not expecting to give you the job. They might just be trying to help you out and soften the blow. The good news about this particular brand of rejection is that you get a free coaching session. Take it and move on.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Madeline leininger Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Madeline leininger - Article Example In this case, she explains how the disciplines of nursing and anthropology should be merged to allow nurses live and work comfortably in areas with unique cultural practices. The second important stage was to institute educational programs and courses to prepare nurses in the new restraint. In this, the author argues that nurses must gain knowledge and skills essential for the new principles, concepts, and features in order to guide their actions and thinking. The article emphasizes on educating nurses and preparing leaders in this discipline. In this case, the author comments that the nursing discipline has been insignificantly explored for a long time and hence nurses require adequate training in the new concept. Additionally, the article has suggested that the field of knowledge be basing and grounding on documented research. Other steps suggested in the article include extensive research, establishing generalists and specialist, and formulating strategies to support the

The Brain and Consciousness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Brain and Consciousness - Essay Example Many of the experiments discussed on class regarding blind-sight, and the responsiveness of the body to stimuli which affect the body through a visual blind spot could well be explained by the autonomic functions of the brain stem. (Corey, et al. 1995) This portion of the brain is responsible for many autonomic function of the body, such as respiration, heart beating, etc. Advanced training, what is often referred to as subconscious responses to external stimuli, could well be the part of neural learning which happens in the brain stem. The received stimulus does not have to transmit as far as the brain cerebral hemisphere for the body to 'know' how to respond. Thus, learned behaviors become more of a subconscious, autonomic function because of brain stem responses. The visual cortex composes approximately 1/3 of the brain surface area, and if primarily responsible for receiving and processing visual input. The visual cortex is highly pattern recognitive, therefore it processed patterns in order to break down the input signals and make connections for the mind to understand. Visual understanding is an important part of thought and understanding. The proof of which is the importance and presence of dreams. Regardless of the dream theory one ascribes to, each theorist and their theories lead in the same direction.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Growth of Jim Crow and Racial Segregation as a result of the Research Paper

The Growth of Jim Crow and Racial Segregation as a result of the American Civil War - Research Paper Example Numerous social disadvantages were evident during the period when the Jim Crow laws were followed in the Southern America, and this contributed to fewer developments from both state and local levels. The Blacks were not offered significant opportunities in political sectors, educational sectors, and also they were not allowed to make investments in the regions. The greatest major reasons for the American Civil War were to eradicate racial segregation in the United States, and this was to be achieved through removal of the Jim Crow laws of racial segregation. The laws mandated the discrimination of public schools, public transport, and surprisingly the public places. They allowed for segregation of restrooms and the restaurants for the whites and the blacks. Jim Crow laws created various feeling from Americans and other parts of the globe, because being the most superior nation in the world America was expected to be showing solidarity and unity between the blacks and the whites. However, the laws were overruled in 1964after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was established. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 remained significant in the discarding of Jim Crow laws. Thus, the main focus of this paper is to investigate the consequences the American Civil War on the issue of Jim Crow laws and racial segregation in southern states of America. Racism is a term that has been in use for millions of years, where people tend to discriminate other due to the color of their skin and ethnicity. In the United States, racism was famous in the 17th and 18th Century colonial era, during the time when assumption was made on the North American as associates of the global British Empire. One of the powerful consequences of the racism as retrieved from Southern America when Jim Crow laws were being exercised was an uneven quality of education in the

Auditing and Assurance Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Auditing and Assurance Services - Essay Example The objective of the paper signifies the importance of the auditory system along with the reliance level that can be provided towards the audit process. This paper also intends to reflect on the pros and cons of the auditory as well as assurance services that need to be present in the financial statement of the organizations. The auditing process of an organization or a firm involves with the model of accountability, inspection of the monetary reports along with the financial demands for assessment of the auditory system. The audit process in this regards provide with the statements which significantly fulfill the gap of expectations between the user and the financial statements. The auditing process for the organization generally involves with the convenient regulation dealing with control tools of the system. Conducting an auditing and assurance program also assists an organization for the critical assessment of the financial statements with the proper evidence. In this context the application of tools as well as techniques examine the main revenue along with the cost activities of the firm. Management representation of the organization, identifying the errors as well as the weaknesses of the financial activities of the firm is also an important responsibility of the audit process for the organization. Therefore, documentation of the audit and assurance shall provide the management with valuable assistance in taking the initiatives according to the review of the financial statements that were prepared in the audit process of the organization. The assurance service of the auditing process further helps the auditors to keep the record of the evidence in the auditing process of the firm (Pearsoned, â€Å"An Introduction to Auditing and Assurance†). With regards to the pros and cons of the process in the auditing system, it can be said that it may help to forecast the future cost activities of the firm along with the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Assignment - Essay Example In the current situation, this concept is obsolete and individuals are more focused upon the applicable use of legal documents that safeguard the interest of individuals. The doctrine states three concepts public-policy exception, implied-contract exception and covenant-of-good-faith exception. These three concepts were observed by the courts of law but none of the three conditions have any clear guidelines about the employment. The standard framework for the relationship is missing and these concepts can not be the norms. For the norms to be clear and precise, well developed framework is necessary. The right of the contract is absent in the concepts which might generate whole lot of issues in future (Muhl, â€Å"The employment-at-will doctrine: three major exceptions†). From the various concepts, it is noted that an employer is always in a beneficial stage as employer has the full right in employment-at-will to terminate or not to with reasons or without reasons at any point of time. The personal influences or decisions are not subject to any rules or

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Reflection Paper - Essay Example Similar to workers, we, the students, also need to acquire at least minimal self-management skills in our academic activity as it helps a lot to adjust the process of knowledge acquisition for ourselves in a way that would show the most fruitful results. Setting right goals, developing a strategy of their achievement and reasonable and considered time management are inseparable parts of being successful academically, i.e. successful learner. However, successful learners are not those who simply know more that others, they are also students who have more efficient and effective learning strategies that help them access and use acquired knowledge, possess steady motivation and self-monitoring skills (Dembo & Seli). To my thinking, the most successful learners are those who organize and manage their academic activity and time so smoothly that they avoid stress and are never overwhelmed with exhausting homework, they take learning easy and at the same time manage ti achieve favorable res ults. What is also important, academic self-management should enable students to maintain balance between serious learning process and fun campus activity. Gaining control over the factors that might influence learning and academic performance – and there are plenty of them – the student will be able to eliminate unfavorable factors or at least reduce their impact to the very minimum. It is fully understandable that we all are so different and various factors may produce different impact on us and each of two students studying the same major may feel their effect to certain extent. What is extremely stressful for me, might be harmless for someone else. Thus, the primary task is to explore our psyche, inclinations and personal peculiarities in order to learn to regulate, monitor, evaluate and reinforce our life and academic performance in the most efficient way. Willing to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Assignment - Essay Example In the current situation, this concept is obsolete and individuals are more focused upon the applicable use of legal documents that safeguard the interest of individuals. The doctrine states three concepts public-policy exception, implied-contract exception and covenant-of-good-faith exception. These three concepts were observed by the courts of law but none of the three conditions have any clear guidelines about the employment. The standard framework for the relationship is missing and these concepts can not be the norms. For the norms to be clear and precise, well developed framework is necessary. The right of the contract is absent in the concepts which might generate whole lot of issues in future (Muhl, â€Å"The employment-at-will doctrine: three major exceptions†). From the various concepts, it is noted that an employer is always in a beneficial stage as employer has the full right in employment-at-will to terminate or not to with reasons or without reasons at any point of time. The personal influences or decisions are not subject to any rules or

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pharmacology virtual assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pharmacology virtual assignment - Essay Example One among them is neostigmine. Neostigmine is the reversible inhibitor of the postsynaptic cholin esterase enzyme and thus acing as the cholinergic agent. Neostigmine increases the amount of acetylcholines that are available for the nicotine receptors at the myoneural junction and thus enhances the muscle strength for contraction. It is also used as the antidote for the nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. (Aschenbrenner and Venable 2008). Â µ Conotocin is a short peptide of 22 aminoacids. It is isolated from the venom of many types of cone snail. Â µ Conotoxin have high binding affinity and discriminates well between the skeletal and cardiac isoforms. They have three disulfide bonds and three loop framework. Â µ Conotoxin has many positively charges residues that attracts the negatively charged residues. The arginine residue present in the 13th or 14th position seems to be the most critical group for the channel block. These residues block the sodium channel by using its positive charge. As positive charge is exerted by both repulsion occurs at the pore using electrostatic repulsion. (Canning and Spina 2009). Suxamethonium contains two acetylcholine molecules joined for acting as the neuromuscular blocking drug. They act as agonist by binding to the nicotinic cholinergic receptor and results in the depolarization of the muscle cell membranes. (Sidebotham and Levy 2007). Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin produced by the puffer fish. This is an example for the ion-channel neurotoxin. This is an effective tool for identifying the inhibition of the intestine due to contractile activity as it blocks the neural activity without disturbing the muscle. (Rhoades and Bell 2008). 3, 4 diaminopyridine is a voltage dependent potassium channel blocker. This drug is used for improving the motor function and fatigue in the multiple scelrosis in patients. The blockage occurs in the nerve terminal and increases the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Descriptive- the Book I Want Essay Example for Free

Descriptive- the Book I Want Essay There are moments during the day when there is just too much noise. White noise hisses from the television in the corner. The high pitch buzz of rock music blares from earbuds implanted into the ears of someone nearby. Even the insistent clickity-clack of fingers across a computer keyboard seem to add to the flurry of traffic already flushed into my mind, via my overwhelmed ears. For me, there is one moment in my day that quiet is treasured. When I can no longer take it, I escape to a brick and mortar bookstore and treat myself to a hardback book. When I walk in, I am always taken aback by the towering displays of tomes; the precariously perched novels appearing like high divers waiting to plunge to the earth below. I find myself tipping-toeing around the pyramid tables, holding my breath to keep their descent from happening. I scan the plethora of shelves for something to read. Then, without warning, I see it. Hiding away, leaned back against a cold metal shelf, is the one I want; my book of choice, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. The glossy red and yellow book jacket stands in sharp contrast to the harsh, dulled brown of its perch, like a square apple hanging from a gnarled tree. The crisp, jacket edges fall like a neatly pleated skirt around a strong sturdy backing. Embossed letters softly raise themselves to my eyes as if to say, ‘hello’, and bid me to take them home. I spy uniformed ivory pages sandwiched between the black binding, small gaps in the spacing attempt to cry out with a silent, ‘open at me first’. My mind reels at what might be uncovered once I take it home, do I dare? The hardback emits such a yearning to me, that I cannot stop a gently quivering hand from reaching out and lifting it off the ledge. At first touch, the novel is cool and smooth beneath warm meager fingers. The imprinted title on the book’s sleeve rolls beneath my fingertips, like gently sloping mountains surrounding wide expansive valleys. Tracing outside the lettering, I find the rest of the cover faintly akin to sandpaper, and draw my fingers back. I rest the digest atop flat palms to feel for its weight length. It is not so light that it may be mistaken for a mere picture book, yet it does not carry enough weight as War and Peace might. It would make a lovely specimen in my growing collect. I tenderly run my fingertips across closed pages, savoring the minute detail of mismatched page lengths. Subsequently, I soothingly open the story just enough to hear it murmur to me. My ears delight in the sudden recognition of hundreds of small birds fluttering, as if startled by someone traipsing through their habitat. Closing the lid on this glee, I am met by the crackling pop of the book’s spine; a tribute to a roaring fire that would be waiting for us once we reached home. Sighing softly, I make my way to the front of the store to purchase my indulgence. I brush off the jacket only to find the swishing of my hand calls to mind the gentle simmer of butter in a hot pan upon the stove. For an instant, my desire for my book is momentarily eclipsed by my hunger, as I place my prize upon the cashier’s stand. The echoing thud sounds like a dropped suitcase on a marble floor in an empty airport terminal, always louder then you expect it to be. I swipe my credit card as the smiling young lady behind the register: hurriedly wraps my treasure in plastic, places a paper receipt inside the bag, presents me with my purchase, and thrusts me towards the exit. Walking out, I have a sense of anticipation building within my chest. I have my prize, and all that remains is to get home to the safety of my quiet room and secluded chair. My breath catches in my throat as I think of how wonderful it will be to relish in the first written words of the story. I imagine myself like Neil Armstrong, except taking a step into a new fantasy and not onto the moon. The drive home is marred with endless lines of cars braking at multiple stoplights. We pulse between the gas and brake pedals, like the jerky motion of a springy horse at a public playground. The constant rocking forward and back has started to slowly lull me to sleep, so I turn up the air, unexpectedly puffing the bag around my reward. Immediately, the vents push the scent of new paper into my face, I breathe deeply. The lingering spice of aged leather and printer ink reminds me of long hours curled up in the quiet, delighting in an author’s heady language. I slowly exhale my valued lungful of air, when I notice I am within reach of my home. My heart leaps at the memory of my hushed home; its tranquility will only add to the soothing moments I plan on spending with Mr. Cline, an escape from the hustle of noise. Pulling into my driveway I get a twinge in my heart of something gone wrong, like the smell of looming rain before a massive storm. The car door slamming should be thunderous, but its noise is drowned out by the riotous thumping of a bass drum. Making my way into the house, the clash of a high hat cymbal rattles the glass, distinctly reminding me of lightning doing the same during the last storm. Somehow, I get the distinct feeling that my attempts to have a quiet, relaxed noiseless reading time will be trumped by the clamor next door. And wouldn’t you guess it, I was right.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Weakness In Corporate Governance And Lack Of Transparency Accounting Essay

Weakness In Corporate Governance And Lack Of Transparency Accounting Essay Weakness in corporate governance and lack of transparency are considered causes of the Asian financial crisis. (Wan et al 2010 ). The corporate scandals happened in the early 2000s urged regulators around the world to suit the medicine to illness of the global financial stability by institute CG reforms. For instance, the Combined Code and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act were then introduced and enacted in UK and US respectively. As an international financial and business hub, Hong Kong is bound to take its share of the sweeping impact of the Asian financial crisis and the scandals. Hong Kong Stock Exchange determined to introduce the code of CG effective from 2005, with similar provisions on financial disclosures in the world. Most of the studies using US and UK data indicated that the quality of corporate governance practices has improved when firms comply with the provisions of the code. A survey conducted by a research team headed by Professor Stephen Cheung in Hong Kong generated a consi stent result with those studies; it indicated that the CG standard of Hong Kong listed firms had been improved obviously in 2005. 2.1.3. Earning Management While regulators aware the issues about CG after the scandals, the confidence of investors around the world who rely on the reported earnings on the financial statement to make their investment decisions have been significantly shaken. Earnings is always the most crucial indicator to evaluate how a firm performs. EM refers to manipulation of a firms earnings through direct or indirect accounting methods to achieve a desired level and that does not reflect the economic reality to mislead FS users about the corporate performance or gaining self-interest. In short, the practices of EM deter the credibility of financial reporting. There is tons of empirical researches evidence that good CG improve the transparency of the quality financial reporting which provides more decision-useful information to investors regardless of the geographical location of the listed company. Some of GCG mechanisms include the existence of independent board of directors, audit committee, no CEO duality, no Top Share (controlling shareholder), and shareholders coalition in order to face controlling shareholder. ( Werner R. Murhadi 2009). 2.1.4. The unique features of Hong Kong Firms. A global code of CG should not be applied as a standard among the world attributed to the unique settings of each jurisdiction. It is important for regulators and analysts to understand the unique features and regional conditions affect the incentive of managing earnings and the reporting quality. Therefore, Most of the researches have done to investigate the relationship between the CG practices and EM with US data, only a few o f them analyses about the issues in other regions. An assumption that a same result will be concluded when analyzing HK data is doubtful. The widely acknowledged family ownership concentration characteristic of HK listed firms is still considered as the major contributor of the failure of CG even after the introduction of the code. See the vote manipulation done by PCCW and the affair of Citic Pacific in 2009. 2.2 Literature review The research paper which examine whether the disclosure of Corporate Governance Structures affect the market valuation of earnings surprises and firms earnings management, Jui-Chin Chang and Huey-Lian Sun (2010), suggested that the effectiveness of corporate governance in monitoring earnings management is improved after the mandated disclosure. This finding is consistent with the result of the research on CG and earnings forecasts accuracy which supported that it is effective to enhance the quality of financial disclosure by revising the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance to encourage public companies to implement good governance practices. (Ahmad-Zaluki et al 2010). However, Davies and Schlitzer (2008) in their paper raised the question about the practicality of an international one size fits all corporate governance code of best practice and the result of the paper implied that the acceptance of a global corporate governance code is limited due to the adaptations in the business environment. Ching, M.L.K. et al. (2002) in their research contended that CG mechanisms and monitoring and oversight activities will affect the use of EM, and the importance of these factors varies across firms and national jurisdictions. Because CG, the legal environment, and monitoring activities are far different in Hong Kong than in the U.S., research studies using American data have limited relevance for HK. A large proportion of HK listed firms are controlled by families. When most of the results of empirical researches supported the positive association between the CG mechanism and firms earnings quality, the unique features of Hong Kong is not being considered in those researches. A rare research done by Jaggi, B., et al. (2009) used samples before the adoption of code of corporate governance and find that a higher proportion of independent corporate boards of HK firms is associated with more effective monitoring to constrain EM by deterring managers from manipulating the reported earnings; thus the earnings quality is expected to be high despite differences in institutional environments. However, it is not the case of which the firms are family-controlled, either through ownership concentration or the presence of family members on corporate boards. 2.3 Objective While countless studies have already done with data of regions other than HK about the association between CG and EM, some of them have also emphasized on the identity of family ownership concentration in Asian regions. This study is done for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the Code of Corporate Governance Practices effective from 2005 on reducing EM practices and improving earnings quality of HK Firms. Focus on the uniqueness of the Hong Kong Firms ownership structure to investigate whether mandatory disclosure of corporate governance structures improves the quality of financial information of Hong Kong family-controlled firms. 2.4 Statement of hypothesis 2.4.1 Indentifying Corporate governance The research generated by Dey, (2008) examined that different countries have different corporate governance structure. She considered twelve variables of corporate governance to measure different corporate governance structure, such as the effectiveness of the audit committee and duality of CEOs and so on. To determine corporate governance, we would use five variables including a majority-independent audit committee, a majority-independent board, financial professional having sufficient accounting experience on the committee, big 4 auditors and the separation CEO and chair position. 2.4.2 Audit committee and earning quality According to Hong Kong Exchange and clearing limited (HKEX), after the adoption of code of corporate governance effective that is in 2005, it is a must for Hong Kong listed companies to establish an audit committee, comprising non-executive director (NED) and having at least three members. Based on the research of Bedard, and Courteau (2001), the higher the percentage of independent non-executive director that are not managers in other firms, the higher the earning quality is. Thus, the hypothesis we develop should be: H1: There is positive relationship between the existence of a majority-independent audit committee and earning quality after the code 2.4.3. Independent board of director and earning management According to Liu and Lu (2007), they found that when preparing financial statement, the board of director can help to monitor and prevent controlling shareholder as this act may make damage to the other shareholder. Besides, the Hong Kong boards of director were by code at least three NED members as well. H2: There is positive relationship between the proportion of Independent non-executive directors on the board and earning quality after the code. 2.4.4. CEO duality and earning management According to R. Murhadi, Werner. Dr (2009), he found that if there is any job duality, it was less effective and strongly influence higher level of discretionary accrual. Anderson et al. (2003) found that earnings informativeness is positively associated with firms having separated CEO and chair positions H3: The existence of CEO duality positively influences the level of earnings management after the code. 2.4.4 Big 4 auditors and earning management The previous research done by Klein (2003) found that Big 4 auditors may shift some of their responsibility of monitoring financial reporting to firms audit committees after SOX. Therefore, there may be difference between discretionary accruals and Big 4 auditor in the before period of SOX. H4: There is a negative relation between earning management and proportion of Big 4 auditors after the code. 2.4.5 Experts in audit committee and earning management The Code in Hong Kong required that among the three members, it should include at least an independent NED with sufficient and appropriate financial experience. Xie, Davison, and DaDalt (2003) use pre-SOX samples to investigate that audit committee members having financial experience/background negatively influence discretionary accruals. H5: There is a negative relation between discretionary accruals and the existent of financial experts on audit committees after the code. 2.4.6. family control and earning management Due to the different expectations regarding the effect of family control on earnings management, Jaggi-Leung use pre-code sample to show that an increase in the proportion of outside directors to strengthen board monitoring is unlikely to be effective in family-controlled firms. The percentage of NED on the board to a total number of directors is counted 20% as cut-off point. H6: There is a negative relation between the existent of family ownership control and earnings quality after the code. 3.Methodology 3.1 Sample collection It is to search the WiseNews Database and HKEX website to collect the data for all Hong Kong Listed Firms in all industry for years before and after adoption of code which is accounting period of 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 respectively. 3.2 Research Design By using the financial data examined from the above database, it is decided to research all firms excluding banks, insurance and trusts companies as they manage earning obtaining different incentives and opportunities. (Peasnell et al, 2000) For testing earnings management, Dechow et al., 1995 suggested to use modified jones model to measure discretionary accruals. However, based on Kothari, Leone and Wasley (2005), in addition to the modified model, they use return on assets as one of variable so as to estimate accruals more accurately. It is cross-sectional regression by using two-digit SIC code, then find out the estimated coefficient by the following formula: (Total discretionary accrual) TACCjt = Â µ0+ Â µ1(1/ ATit-1)+ Â µ2 (DSale/ATit-1)+ Â µ3 (PPE/ ATit-1)+ Â µ4 ROAit-1- (1) Then, NON-ACCjt = ß1(1/ATjt-1) + ß2 (DSalesjt DRECjt)/ATjt-1 +ß3 (PPE/ATjt-1) +ß4 ROAjt (2) Then, calculating the discretionary accrual by using the following formula, DACCjt = TACCjt NON-ACCjt (3) Using the regression model to calculating the data before and after the code of corporate governance, DACCit = p 0 + 1 Auditindep + 2 BdIndep + 3 AccExp + 4 CEODua + 5 Big 4 + FAMOWN (4) Where: ROA = the ratio of net income to total assets FAMOWN = 1 if proportion of family members divided by total number director is greater than 20%, 0 for other than this case. BdIndep: The number of independent board directors calculated by the no. of board members AuditIndep: The number of independent audit committee members calculated by the no. of audit committee members AccExp: 1 for having financial professional experience and 0 for none and divided by the no. of audit committee members Big 4: It is an indicator of the Big 4 auditors. It is one if the firm was Big 4 accounting firms client and it is zero if not. CEODua: it may be 1 when CEO is the firms director of the board, 0 when it is not the case. 4. Time schedule Time Action January Finish the background of the problem and objectives Research data for methodology 1st 11th February Finish Methodology Collect data by using software i.e. Excel 12th 28th February Solve the problems that will encounter during the process of collecting data, such as, uncertainty about any data Analyze data and make result of the analysis March Write discussions Interpret the data what we find Finish recommendations, conclusions, summary of the project 1 4th April Finish the draft to supervisor 5 28th April Finish the reference lists Review and proofread the grammar, organization, format of project Amend some parts based on comments of supervisors

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Farenheit 451 as a Warning :: Farenheit 451 Essays

Farenheit 451 as a Warning What are the rights of a government? Does the government have the right to control what we think and where we get our intellectual stimulation? After the Constitution of the United States was drafted, a Bill of Rights containing ten articles was adopted and ratified by the thirteen states. In the first article, it guaranteed the people the freedom of religion, speech, the press, and public assembly. People were given the right to enrich themselves with knowledge accumulated through their readings from whatever source they chose and to make criticism towards the government as they saw fit. Because of the liberty given to its people, it is no wonder that the United States government is considered a model government in the world today. Any sound government would allow its people to make their own free judgement according to their knowledge from any sources they may gather. Ray Bradbury's vision of a disordered world was expressed in his book Fahrenheit 451. Set in the future, it deals with a man's struggle between his destructive government position and his inner self-conscience. Guy Montag was a fireman but he did not put out fires. Instead, he created them through the burning of books. This was what Bradbury was trying to imply through the title of his book, Fahrenheit 451, the temperature at which books burn. Montag was leading a fairly happy life until he met a girl, Clarisse, who aroused his deepest feelings and fears. He became curious about the contents of books and wondered why they were so feared. This led him through a series of events which changed his life forever. When Montag asked Beatty about the burning of books he was told, "If you don't want a man to be unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none." The futurist government displayed in Fahrenheit 45 1 tried to prevent any feelings or opinions contrary to their own because they did not want to be challenged. Instead, they fed unwanted junk into the minds of their people through the parlor, a wall to wall television. This machine, that does not inspire the thinking process, lead them to make the conclusion that their world revolves around it and nothing else.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Story of the Good Brahman

The Story of the Good Brahmas Based on my basic knowledge about Indian society, Brahmins hold the highest status in Indian's caste system. I perceive that the story will be similar to bible stories like, the good shepherd. However, what I encountered in reading the selection is a Brahmas, specifically, a confused Brahmas who Is not happy with his life. The Brahmas who Is a philosopher himself, constantly questions his existence, his essence, and his wit.He had all the luxuries, the wealth, and three beautiful wives but he is not happy with all f those. On the first look, he is much blessed compared to his neighbor who is very poor and imprudent. But his neighbor, the old woman is happy with her life. There goes the story of the old woman, who has nothing. She has no wealth, no knowledge, and no problem. She Just had enough faith In Vishnu and the Ganges River to wash herself every day. It seems that the old woman Is contented with her life even though she can see the glamorous living of her Brahmas neighbor.When the Brahmas was asked if he wanted to give up his wealth and knowledge for him to be happy, he effused as he doesn't want to be in the same condition as the old woman. He thought and believes that being means one has to be imbecile. After hours of reflection and re-reading of the selection, I realized that the story doesn't go around the story of the Brahmas but of both him and the old lady. I think that the title of the story Is inappropriate because It Is not all about the Brahmas himself. He Is not even a â€Å"good† Brahmas for me.I don't see any reason why the author should call him a good Brahmas. Yes, he is honest with himself and does not deceive anyone. But with all the blessings in his life, he doesn't know how to be contented. In the class discussion, the real reason why the old woman is much happier than the Brahmas was revealed. The reason was Ignorance. It served as a prison, a box for the old woman from questioning everything. She Is confined with her poor life without asking why she Is poor while the Brahmas Is rich. She decides to be Ignorant and be content with what she has.This box of ignorance made the old woman happy as she is not aware of what is happening in the society. This made her contented. Because of her ignorance, the woman is in Nirvana. On the other hand, the old witty Philosopher, have so much wealth but so much problem in his life. He is not contented with his life. Because of his wide knowledge, he also has more questions which could only give him problems In his life. If I were to choose whether to be the Brahmas or the old woman, I prefer to be the old woman in the case that she has peace of mind in her heart. But will not criticize or hate the Brahmas.I truly believe that we can be a pappy creature and at the same time reason out. Why would I be bothered and be problematic by the things that I cannot change and the things that I might never know? Also, If there's a means on changing my state by working hard, then I won't give up. I enjoy talking about many things with my friends. There are a lot of things that opinions and beliefs. Reasoning out doesn't mean that we have to be unhappy. It is a matter of perspective and each of us has a different level of contentment. For me, the greatest pursuit of all mankind is happiness.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Marketing Mix Report Essay

Braaap is an Australian company which operates as well in USA producing dirty bikes for all ages and gender. It is a company that provides good conditions for the consumer buying their bikes with stores located around the country and online options to choose the best way to obtain a bike. The main characteristic of Braaap’s is to sell products for dirty bikes with the highest quality in the world. The brand is known across Australia as the biggest store online in the market. Connected with partners around the world that provide to them the necessary support to develop their new products. In the Braaap’s store, the costumer can buy equipments from the best brands around the world which multiply the number of choices for everyone. By the way, the prices are not low otherwise they could not offer a highest quality in their products. However, Braaap has a unique promotion that makes the difference in this market, Braaap’s is the only store which provides a lifetime warranty for their customers. If we think that this sport has a very high risk, this kind of promotion is very good for their image in the market. Braaap has created their image through many kind of events which involve motorcycle, sometimes sponsoring athletics or tournaments around the world. Also they produce a catalogue monthly to keep their clients aware about what is changing or the market news. Most of the Braaap’s clients are young people between 20 to 35, especially mans, due to the practice of that sport. Anyway, they are trying to get more attention from woman and child. Braaap’s offer a program to learn how to ride and other events to entrencher the customer that might not like this sport or lifestyle. Braaap’s stores have segmented their business since they were just an online store with few equipments and brands. Beyond sell parts of motorcycles, Braaad starts to sell cloths and all equipments from many different brands. This action expanded the business and increased the profitability. A huge variety of equipments, not just parts of motorcycles but cloths and accessories from many different brands are an important turnaround of Braaap’s business. Even if the prices are high, does not matter because the quality, design, options and a reliable brand make the difference in the market. Braaap’s cover whole Australia and export for other countries around the world, their online  store is well viewed for everybody and their promotions are always very effective. The marketing mix is open their eyes for business and they are trying to leave the equipments more accessible for all public otherwise the competitors are growing up quickly and getting a good slide of the motorcycle’s customers. The clients like when the company has a nice reputation in the market and when that brand is attempt in the events between sport, media and entertainment. It makes the public remember their brand as a good position which care about their lifestyle. Also the clients would like to get easy access to store to solve their enquires, and keep clear the information and services between company and customer. One of the innovations at braaap is the Launch of the braaap silent. Braaap is one of the first petrol based motorcycle manufacture to launch an electric powered bike off the production line. It means that Braaap’s stores are trying to find a way out of the saturated market and at the same time renew the concept of motorcycles around the world. For while, it is just available in Australia and USA but it will be everywhere soon. In conclusion, Braaap’s business is given more attention for the price due to the knowledge that price could influence directly in the other points of the marketing mix. The lower price is always a good option but in this case would not be a good position if we consider that Braaap works with best brand around the world and offer only highest quality products. It is recommended that Braaad’s store keeps working well, trying to get the best for their clients and always investing in new products and partners which will make them stronger tha n ever.

Theatre in America During the 1930s.

Theatre in America during the 1930s. During the 1930s, the American Dream had become a nightmare because of the Great Depression. The sudden drop in stock exchange had threatened the land. What was once the land of optimism, had become the land of despair. The promise for success was clearly not fulfilled. Americans started to question and blame the government (rebelling). Society had led to a theatre that was politically and socially conscious The vision of the American Dream is broad, everyone is free, equal and has limitless opportunities. â€Å"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness† is what the American strives for.No one is oppressed or starved and nothing can stop a person from their ambitions. Hard work to improve one’s position in life is promoted. This is the ideal life of an American citizen, but sadly, this wasn’t the case in the 1930s. â€Å"†¦income of the average American family was reduced by 40%, from $2,300 to $1,500. Instead of advanc ement, survival became the keyword. Institutions, attitudes, lifestyles changed in this decade but democracy prevailed. †-(www. kclibrary. lonestar. edu/decade30. html) Although this was happening, people did what they could to make their lives happy. Parlor games, board games and movies were popular.Movie houses opened as theatres closed down. Group theatre was considered â€Å"the most distinguished acting company of the 1930s and modelled on the Moscow Acting Theatre. † – (Dramatic Arts textbook, pg 210) The birth of professional American Theatre begun with the Lewis Hallam troupe during 1752. Theatre was for those who were interested in a theatre which reflected political and social ideals, e. g. Tennessee Williams (T. W). Broadway, Group Theatre and Theatrical Realism was incorporated into T. W’s book, The Glass Menagerie. The Glass Menagerie is partly autobiographical because Tom represents the author as well.Tom is basically the memory to T. Wâ€⠄¢s youth. Although T. W writes of his past, he also focuses on the socio-political issues of the American life. Tom’s mother, Amanda Wingfield, is the perfect example of the â€Å"negative† in the American Dream. She forces the American Dream upon her children and this suffocates them. In scene 3, Amanda and Tom fight, then Tom ends up calling her a witch. Amanda is still having a hard time coming to the new terms of her status in society because she grew up in a home of social fortune. But she does cause the problem between herself and Tom.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Elizabeth Keith Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Elizabeth Keith - Personal Statement Example It depict one of the only form of entertainment available to the poor during thi period. Thi how their own way of enjoying the "blood port", which eem to be the only way to get their anger out, which wa building in them due to their failure of being the diadvantage cla of the ociety. The mueum contain a lot of intereting and beautiful art piece by variou artit. The culpture are amazing, becaue they gave a good view of the culture and art of the region, and I aw many culpture of Buddha, made in Bronze, Gold etc. Elizabeth Keith wa born in cotland, and i known to be a great artit (Helen, 66). Her iter married an Englih publiher, who lived in the Aia and Pacific region and work in Japan at that time. Elizabeth went to Japan to meet her iter in1915, and tayed there for quiet a long time. he thought to explore the region and viited the neighboring countrie, uch a China, Korea and Philippine. he pent her time in water painting the intereting and facinating cene, which he witneed. he made quiet a number of painting in that time and when he came back in Japan to her iter, he wa able to hold an exhibition of her painting. After looking at her painting, the entrepreneurial Japanee print publiher, Watanabe chozaburo, peruaded her to move further on thi regard. He convinced her that hi carver and printer would produce woodblock print for ome of her watercolor painting and thi will enhance her work a an artit. Thi idea facinated Elizabeth Keith and he prolonged her tay in Japan, and tarted learning woo dblock printing. Her work wa highly appreciated and he met ucce in Japan and her publiher wa ure that he would get a huge repone in Europe and America a well. (Waton, 54) Fritz Capelari, who wa an Autralian artit, influenced Elizabeth Keith work and Watanabe alo publihed hi work. Elizabeth Keith traveled a lot in Aia and epecially in Eat Aia and produced number of painting, which reflect the culture of the region. Her painting are very popular in United tate and European countrie and are counted a an important work when talked about the Aian and Pacific Art (herman, 11). Mot of her work wa diplayed in Watanabe tudio and wa detroyed in the earthquake, which hit Tokyo in 1923. he went to France to tudy art and tayed for almot ix year, but her love for the Eatern region made her come back to Japan and he tayed there for few year, until the World War II tarted. he came to United tate of America, where he completed the remaining year of her life and held an exhibition in Tokyo in her lat year. Cock Fight I aw her painting "The Cock Fight", in the mueum, which wa made in China, in 1925. It i a port in China, which i alo known a a blood port. It i a fight between two rooter, and i held in the ring, which i like a wretling ring, and thi ring i known a a cockpit. The owner of the cock, et pair of bird to fight, and gambling i a major factor in the fight. The term cockpit, wa alo ued in the ancient time, a in 16th century, it wa ued a a place, which wa ued for the entertainment purpoe and alo for the frenzied activity. We can ee the ue of thi

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

One future change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

One future change - Essay Example In this regard, a ‘many-to-many’ model of communication has replaced the latter, requiring organizations to implement multiple online communication strategies that can counter any challenges in the event of a crisis. In the words of Gonzalez & Smith (2010); â€Å"the new internet environment demands that organizations be cognizant of facts that; there is instant access to information by their audiences, stakeholders are today more scattered given the diversity of media available online, people with issues against organizations can with the help of the internet, quickly mobilize to protect their interests and the traditional role of mass media as a gatekeeper and disseminator of information does not exist anymore†. For these reasons, organizations have evolved in their communication to audiences by being more proactive online. Pro-activity in this context require them to engage their audience on all platforms and respond to their concerns so that in the event of a crisis, the mechanisms are already in place and good relationship with the online audience created. Even with many organizations having implemented online crisis management strategies, the next few years will see an acute improvement in how some of these organizations shape their existing frameworks. In this regard, the following can be picked out as the critical issues from Gonzalez & Smith’s (2010) article that will possible be expanded in the short term: Correctly understanding an organization’s audience: As explained by Gonzalez & Smith (2010), an organization in the building materials’ manufacturing industry does not have a savvy audience as a gaming software company. These two entities cannot, therefore, employ the same crisis management strategy in the online world. Most organizations engage in business- to- business and business- to- individual levels, and this calls for a proper understanding of the audience segments so that commensurate communication models are