Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pharmacology virtual assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pharmacology virtual assignment - Essay Example One among them is neostigmine. Neostigmine is the reversible inhibitor of the postsynaptic cholin esterase enzyme and thus acing as the cholinergic agent. Neostigmine increases the amount of acetylcholines that are available for the nicotine receptors at the myoneural junction and thus enhances the muscle strength for contraction. It is also used as the antidote for the nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. (Aschenbrenner and Venable 2008). Â µ Conotocin is a short peptide of 22 aminoacids. It is isolated from the venom of many types of cone snail. Â µ Conotoxin have high binding affinity and discriminates well between the skeletal and cardiac isoforms. They have three disulfide bonds and three loop framework. Â µ Conotoxin has many positively charges residues that attracts the negatively charged residues. The arginine residue present in the 13th or 14th position seems to be the most critical group for the channel block. These residues block the sodium channel by using its positive charge. As positive charge is exerted by both repulsion occurs at the pore using electrostatic repulsion. (Canning and Spina 2009). Suxamethonium contains two acetylcholine molecules joined for acting as the neuromuscular blocking drug. They act as agonist by binding to the nicotinic cholinergic receptor and results in the depolarization of the muscle cell membranes. (Sidebotham and Levy 2007). Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin produced by the puffer fish. This is an example for the ion-channel neurotoxin. This is an effective tool for identifying the inhibition of the intestine due to contractile activity as it blocks the neural activity without disturbing the muscle. (Rhoades and Bell 2008). 3, 4 diaminopyridine is a voltage dependent potassium channel blocker. This drug is used for improving the motor function and fatigue in the multiple scelrosis in patients. The blockage occurs in the nerve terminal and increases the

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