Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Quiz Review Dark Romanticism Essays - Fiction, Literature

Quiz Review Dark Romanticism: Top of Form Read the excerpt from the beginning of Chapter 5 of Little Women , by Louisa May Alcott. "What in the world are you going to do now, Jo?" asked Meg one snowy afternoon, as her sister came tramping through the hall, in rubber boots, old sack, and hood, with a broom in one hand and a shovel in the other. "Going out for exercise," answered Jo with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I should think two long walks this morning would have been enough! It's cold and dull out, and I advise you to stay warm and dry by the fire, as I do," said Meg with a shiver. "Never take advice! Can't keep still all day, and not being a pussycat, I don't like to doze by the fire. I like adventures, and I'm going to find some." Why does Alcott most likely begin the chapter with character dialogue? to introduce the characters in the story to set up the problem in the story to establish the mood of the story to keep the momentum of the story going Bottom of Form Top of Form Read the excerpt from "The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture." "[T]here is a secret about one of my rooms on which I feel disposed to try an experiment. So, gentlemen, none of you shall know who has the haunted chamber, until circumstances reveal it. I will not even know it myself, but will leave it to chance and the allotment of the housekeeper. At the same time, if it will be any satisfaction to you, I will observe, for the honor of my paternal mansion, that there's scarcely a chamber in it but is well worthy of being haunted." What technique does Irving use to build suspense in the excerpt? The pace of the story quickens. The word choice darkens the tone. Odd characters are introduced. Setting details are intentionally omitted. Bottom of Form Top of Form Read the excerpt from the beginning of Chapter 1 of Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson. SQUIRE TRELAWNEY, Dr. Livesey, and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the island, and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted, I take up my pen in the year of grace and go back to the time when my father kept the Admiral Benbow inn and the brown old seaman with the sabre cut first took up his lodging under our roof. Which best explains Stevenson's reason for beginning the chapter with this paragraph? Stevenson creates confusion in the reader with a narrator who explains that he is writing a story because he has been asked to do so by several other characters. Stevenson creates interest in the reader with mention of still undiscovered treasure and the arrival of a mysterious character in the narrator's life. Stevenson creates unease in the reader with a detailed account of the problem the main character has to overcome to reach a solution. Stevenson creates a clear visual picture in the reader's head with a strong description of the story's setting without giving its actual location. Bottom of Form Top of Form Which event described in chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter takes place before the story begins? The crowd discusses Hester's crime. The crowd walks to the scaffold. The Puritans elect officials. The Puritans erect a jail. Bottom of Form Top of Form Read this excerpt from chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter . Standing on that miserable eminence, she saw again her native village , in Old England, and her paternal home; a decayed house of gray stone , with a poverty-stricken aspect, but retaining a half-obliterated shield of arms over the portal, in token of antique gentility . What is the effect of the underlined words in this excerpt? They impart a frustrated mood. They impart a sympathetic mood. They portray a former setting with humility and dignity. They portray a former setting with judgment and distaste. Bottom of Form Top of Form Read this excerpt from chapter

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