Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gay And Lesbian Rights Essay - 1340 Words

Gay And Lesbian Rights When I read the statement that said we shouldnt devote our efforts to promoting the rights of lesbians and gay men, since there are more important and urgent human rights issues that deserve our attentionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I was taken aback. As it stands now, nothing seems more important than bringing both equality, and general acceptance, to gay and lesbian people. Although their have been many mistakes made in the past regarding such human rights issues as slavery, race and gender rights, gay and lesbian rights should be pushed to the top of our list of priorities in that gays and lesbians are the people who appear to be facing the most discrimination and lack of ethical treatment†¦show more content†¦They are unable to live their lives based on how they believe other people are going to treat them once they find out that they dont live the same lifestyle as them. They believe they will be treated differently, harassed and be given an all-round heartless response simply base d on their sexual preference. What is even more disturbing is that in many cases this is what is happening: homophobia leads to, as Pharr depicts it, a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ rejection of friends, threats of loss of employment, and threats upon (his) life; and I have witnessed far worse things happening to other lesbian and gay people: loss of children, beatings, rape, death.1 For this reason it is crucial that gay and lesbian rights be concentrated on as heavily as possible, even over all others forms of rights. Despite the continuing efforts that have been made on behalf of such organizations as GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), homosexual people continue to face prejudice every day of their lives. Just like everyone else living sexual lives, the topic of relationships and the role they play in their lives is an important one. The fact that such relationship-related factors like children, marriage and adoption are so easily taken away from gay and lesbian people is a m ajor problem that needs to be dealt with, although ideally it should be treated in the exact manner as it is towards heterosexual people (whoShow MoreRelatedGay and Lesbian Rights1617 Words   |  7 PagesToday’s Rights for Gays Lesbians Today’s Rights for Gays Lesbians The  state and federal laws for Gays and Lesbian are unfair and discriminatory. In today’s ever so changing world it’s hard to keep up with laws. Most of the laws are printed on a fine line, but the rights for homosexuals are blurred. With the topic being hot in the media it is hard to get the correct story. Two of the most important rights that get blurred are marriage and same sex adoption. 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