Friday, May 15, 2020

The Existence Of God. Throughout The Years As Human Beings

The Existence of God Throughout the years as human beings keep learning about the world we are finding out that we are living in a world where evil surrounds us. This belief conflicts with the beliefs of theism, one who believes in a God or Gods, especially a personal God who’s in control of the world. If there was an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good God, then he should have the knowledge that there’s evil in the world, he should have the benevolence to want to stop the evil, and he should have the ability to make the evil vanish. We can know that the problem of evil exists in the world by having to experience it only a few times and the suffering caused by this evil is something no human would want happening to them. The†¦show more content†¦An uncontrollable and unnecessary evil is the example of all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-evil being known as Satan. â€Å"Some try to justify evil by blaming it on Satan. God doesn’t create evil; Satan do es†(taken from Doing Philosophy, Lewis Vaughn). This argument helps solidify the theistic beliefs that there’s an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good God who is aware of how much evils is brought in the world by humans and is able to control it and keep it in equilibrium with the good. If we were controlled by a force beyond our control like God, then we would be perfectly good beings who would always choose the good decision over the evil one. Some of the evil in this world is said to be caused by humans and the choices we choose. This is implemented that we live in a world where our actions aren’t constrained by any limiting factor, meaning we have the freewill to choose to act on our own moral values and choose between evil or good. These people believe that, â€Å"the price we pay for having free will is the existence of evil†(taken from Doing Philosophy, Lewis Vaughn). Although some argue that, â€Å"a being who has free will and yet always choos e the good does not seem to be logically impossible†(taken from Doing Philosophy, Lewis Vaughn) we get a sense that we aren’t born that way since we all were raised with differentShow MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God : Evil1293 Words   |  6 Pages The Existence of God Throughout the years as the human species keeps learning about the world we live in, we are finding out that we are surrounded everywhere by evil. This seems to conflict with the belief of theism, one who believes in a God or Gods, especially a personal God who’s in control of the world. 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